Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Where have all the posts gone?

I'll be posting a bunch of writing coming up, but the videos and the photos aren't working because of Windows 10. So, If you want to catch up on the videos and pictures feel free to look them up at facebook and youtube under Brett Stepan.

Keep on creating your greatness!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

High Bar Bent Arm Levers and Rings Archer Pull Up/Typewriter Pull Up Combo

I had a great video of a mixture of the Archer Pull Up and Typewriter Pull ups from last night's training as well as a nice one of High Bar Bent Arm Levers from this morning's practice; but blogspot sucks dick. So, check them out at youtube or on facebook.

Melissa making 300 pounds her bitch

Alright, so Melissa and I put Heavy Deadlifts back in our training last night. Figured we'd work on    getting the groove back of the movement. And Melissa goes on to make 300 pounds look like a feather for 5 sets. On her 6th set, she just missed 325. I'd post the video, but blogspot sucks so    check it out on facebook or at youtube.

Monday, September 21, 2015

I was going to post

I had a nice video to post from Saturday Morning's High Bar practice, but BlogSpot won't seem to let me post it. I've uploaded it, and nothing. I took it from YouTube an nothing. So, Fuck you BlogSpot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Learn to.......

One of the best things you can ever do is learn to truly love the roughest practices and the hardest training sessions........

..........For it's in these that you'll find the greatest growth physically, mentally and emotionally.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Parallel Bar Dips to Straddle Planches

A terrific night of training last night. Really felt everything clicking just right. Here's a set of Parallel Bar Dips to Straddle Planches from the session.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

In Stillness.....

In Stillness and Quiet, You Will Always Find Peace!!

Backwards Roll to Top Support To Forward Roll for Reps on the High Bar

Why?  Because these are fun and awesome!! My final set of 4 for Backwards rolls to Top Support to Forward Rolls on the High Bar. Felt wonderful!!

The Worst Straddle Planche of the Day

After a rough morning rings practice and evening squats session yesterday, it felt awesome to dominate the High Bar and Parallet practice today. Here's my worst Parallet Straddle Planche of the day. And it's not bad at all.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hitting the full Reverse Muscle Up Negatives on the Rings

A pretty solid, but rough practice this morning on the rings. Here's my final set of a full Reverse Muscle Up Negative, starting at the handstand and slowly moving down to the inverted hang. These went really well today, but the rest of practice was a little hit or miss. Lol!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Moment of Gratitude

Taking a moment of grattitiude and realizing just how blessed I've been in my career. For a few decades now I've had the honor and privelage of being a professional in the strength and fitness, nutrition, health and wellness, performance and physique field. In that time I've been blessed to be able to help literally 100's of people; from teenagers to folks in their 90's, and from the average person looking to drop some fat and get fit and healthy to amazing athletes looking ...to crush it in their sports; achieve all of their goals and dreams. Then move on to achieveing even bigger goals and dreams. It's amazing to not only love and be passionate about what you do, but to also be able to help so many become helathier, more fit and truly live a life of adventure. So I have to thank all of my clients; past, present and future for the adventure we've all been on and for letting my help you all achieve your dreams. The last few decades have been amazing and I'm looking incredibly forward to the many decades to come, training and coaching you all to achieve more. Love for all of you! Now, go train hard and create your greatness!!

Let's see:

Let's see: Diagnosed as a child with a degenerative bone disease in the hips and told I wouldn't be walking as an adult. Yep, that happened. Then, broke 3 vertebrae in the back and tore apart all of the muscle, tendons and ligaments on the right side of my body from the neck to the hips. Told I'd always be weak as a kitten, never be able to move my right side very well, and that I'd live in constant pain for the rest of my life. Yep, that happened. At anytime thought about let...ting those things limit my life or what I was capable of becoming or doing, using them as an excuse to not train or reach for the stars, having those things keep me from my dreams or from becoming the best that I can. Never, Nope, Not going to happen. Couldn't even imagine dreaming of that SKATA! You only limits are in your mind. And sometimes it pays huge dividends to tell your mind to Shut The F$%K Up! Now, go create your greatness!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

High Bar Dips

A movement you rarely see outside of  gymnastics and bar athletics, but such a great conditioner! The final set of 20 for my High Bar Dips to finish off the bar work on Saturday!

High Bar Fun: Backwards Rolls

Having a blast during Saturday morning's High Bar and Human Flag practice. Here's my first ever completed Backward Roll on the High Bar. Felt awesome, so I celebrated at the top while Melissa laughed.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Got 2 incredible compliments today

It's hard to make me blush, but I couldn't help it today after these amazing compliments. First, I had two young men (about 13 and 15 respectively) that had watched some of my rings practice yesterday and some of my parallet practice today. About midway through practice the older one walks up to me and says, "Sheit, you are one Jacked and Strong Vin Diesel looking Mother F-er. That's Awesome! I had to make sure to thank him and his brother very nicely for the high praise. Then, as I'm finishing up practice a really sweet 50 something women walks up and says, with the most charming Minnesotan accent, "That was really impressive, sir. You remind me of that Patrick Swayze in the Roadhouse Movie." Again, I had to thank her deeply. High praise all around. It really warmed my heart.

Awesome training tonight!

After an interesting morning practice, I rebounded nicely to kick some serious ass this evening. Great training session. Hit 4 strong sets of 6 reps for Upright Rows with 205 pounds. Nailed 3 sets of 6 per side for 1-arm Read Delt Raises with 123 pounds. Got in 3 really strong sets of 8 per side for 1-arm Lateral Raises with 88 pounds. Nailed a strong Shoulder Death with a pair of 25's. Got in 3 strong rounds of my Abdominal Death Set. Hit 3 Awesome sets of 5 reps per side for Saxon Side Beds with 53 pounds. And finished up with a 10 round mixture of Medicine Ball and Kettlebell Conditioning. Great Training Session! Here's the final set of the 1-arm Read Delt Raises!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Starting the journey to mastering the Reverse Muscle Up on the Rings

Started the journey to mastering the Reverse Muscle Up on the rings. Figured the best way to progress would be starting out with doing sets of negatives (or eccentric phase) for the elevator portion. Here's the final set of them from this morning's rings practice.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Always working on improving: parallet l-sit to straddle planches

Not quite where I'd like them to be, but always improving. Here's the final set of parallet L-sit to Straddle Planches from this morning's practice. Great morning practice today :)

Getting it done

Really awesome night of training. Made some adjustments due to the neck injury, but still kicked ass!Hit 4 sets of 8 for Rings Archer Pull Ups Moved onto 3 sets of 4 for Rings Front Lever Pulls Nailed 3 sets of 10 second contractions for Isometric Bent Rows Hit 3 sets of 10 second contractions for Isometric Shrugs Got in a strong 3 rounds of the abdominal death set nailing, without resting between movement, 20 Parallel Bar Leg Raises, 12 V-ups and 12 Coffin Sit Ups per round. Hit 3 sets of 5 reps per side for Saxon Side Bends with 45 pounds. Finished up with 10 rounds of Wall Drive Sprint Conditioning. Great stuff. Here's the final set of Archer Pull Ups.