Thursday, April 28, 2016

It's funny when......

It's Funny When you're in the middle of thinking through a pose.
Then, you hear the camera go off before you've had time to get ready.
And yet, it turns out better that way!!

Standing at the feet of giants

Sometimes you feel like you're standing at the feet of giants as you work to emulate the legends and  your idols.
Here's my best, so far, impression of the one and only Steve Reeves. And, of course, Mr. Reeves hitting the same iconic pose.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

8 weeks into the lean out phase

8 Weeks into the lean out and get as chiseled and beautiful as possible phase, down from a powerful and muscular 205 to a lean and chiseled 175.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Nothing Lost, A Lot Gained

After taking 6 months off from any type of acrobatic and gymnastic training, focusing exclusively on Pure Strength, Power and Mass Building; it's nice to know that I could simply jump back in and be better than I was before.

Here's a quick video of some Back Rolls to Forward Rolls on the High Bar:

And A Picture of the First Human Flag of the Year:

Friday, April 8, 2016

A great super set for the lats

This is a great pre-exhaustion super set for the lats. Start out with Straight Arm Lat Pulls, making sure that the back does all of the work, then immediately move into Sternum Pull-ups. You'll feel like your lats are going to explode. Did 3 sets like this last night, resting about 30 seconds between sets. Moved onto Rack Pull Bent Rows, Drag Curls, Gironda Perfect Curls, French Presses, Lying Tricpes Extensions, Weighted Reverse Sit-ups and Weighted Frog Sit-ups. Lots of sets, lots of reps, very little rest, good hard work. Here's one of the super sets from last night.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Always Remember

Always remember, being able to move easily and with grace through full ranges of motion, being flexible and mobile and having a true ease of movement is essential to fitness, health and quality of life!