Tuesday, May 24, 2016

More Reasons Why It's All In Your Mind

World Renown Psychologist Abraham Maslow asked his students which of them expected to achieve greatness in their chosen  field. Now, keep in mind that these were the top students at the top university. No one responded!

Think about that for a second. The top students, at the top university, taught by one of the top people in the field. Yet, none of them expected to achieve greatness in their fields.

Maslow concluded by asking, "If not you, who then?"

Which is a brilliant question.

This type of thinking is known as the Jonah Complex, and it's possibly what's keeping you from achieving your goals, whether they be in fitness or in any other area of your life.

How often do you hear someone tell a young athlete, "There's a million to one chance that you're ever going to make it at a Division I University, or as a pro." And the young athlete believes it, so they stop trying.

Remember, someone once told Michael Jordan that same thing. They told him that the odds of him playing in the NBA were very bad, that only one in a million actually could do that.

They told similar things to Wayne Gretsky, Muhammad Ali, Dara Torres, Ronda Rousey, Phil Heath, and the list goes on and on.

The difference is that those listed above said, "Why Not Me!"

And they continued to believe in themselves and pushed harder to achieve their goals and dreams.

They all have what Dr. Charles Garfield called, the Olympian Complex. Which, basically is the thought process that no matter what the odds, I'm going to accomplish my goals and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get there. No one's going to stop me.

Now think about yourself and your own goals for a second. Do you think like the Jonah Complex about hem? Or, do you think like the Olympian Complex about them?

Now, which one do you think will actually get you to reach your goals?

I can guarantee it isn't thinking like the Jonah Complex.

Henry Ford was very correct when he said, "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right."

I'll give you an example. I have a number of "Inspirational" Poster boards that I use with myself, Missy and my clients. On it they have various pictures of men and women in the fitness industry that I respect.

One such board is my "Older Women" board. It has a number of pictures of beautiful, strong and fit women that range in age from 45 years old to 100 years old. All of whom are fit, strong, healthy, athletic, beautiful and awesome.

Now, on this board, only a few of these ladies are in "competition" shape. By that I mean the ubber ripped, ultra conditioned, low body fat of a physique competitor when they are onstage at a competition.

Nope, these women are all at a 13-16% body fat and are looking lean and awesome. Nice and tight and toned.

I have a former female client of mine that used to tell me, "Oh Brett, I know I'll never look like one of those ladies."

When I'd explain that if she followed the training and eating that I gave her, an got herself down between a 13 and 16% body fat, that yes, she would look like that. That there literally was no difference between her and the ladies on the board, except that they've done the training and the eating; she wouldn't believe me at all.

She was suffering from the Jonah Complex. And it cost her the ability to have the health, fitness, and physique that she claimed to want.

On the other hand, I'm someone that was born with a Degenerative Bone Disease in my hips and told that I wouldn't be walking by the time I was 18. Then, later on in life I broke 3 vertebrae in my back, tore apart all the muscles, tendons and ligaments on the right side of my back from my neck to my ass, and was told that I'd never have movement in my neck and the right side of my body. That I'd be weak as a kitten and I could kiss away any wish or dream of being strong, muscular or athletic. And that I'd have constant pain for the rest of my life.

Hmmmmm......I said, "Bull Spit. If other people can overcome this crap, why not me!" And have goe on to achieve my dreams and then set bigger and better ones.

So, instead of suffering and holding yourself back, take on the mindset of the Olympian Complex.

When people say you can't do something or that you the chances of you succeeding are small. Say, "Why Not Me." Afterall, someone has to be the one in the million.

Now, go kick Arse!!

Yours in strength and health,


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