Thursday, November 17, 2016

How do you know if you're losing body fat?

One of the Questions that I've received a ton over the last few decades of being a professional in this business is: "Brett, how do I know if I'm losing body fat while I'm losing weight?"

A great question, and a surprisingly simple answer.

If you're losing body fat, what's left? The answer, of course, is muscle tissue.

So, if you're losing body fat, you will be looking more toned, leaner, more muscular and more chiseled.

If, however, you're getting smaller, but you're still looking like your pudgier self; well, then you're not losing body fat, you're losing muscle. Which will weaken your metabolism and basically guarantee that you'll gain all the weight back plus interest.

So, always make sure that you're becoming more chiseled, leaner, more muscular and you can guarantee that you're losing body fat and your changes have a much better chance of being permanent.


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