Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The RDA can SUCK IT!

For those of you that don't know the history behind the US recommended daily allowance of nutrients (or the RDA), let me tell you a little bit about where it came from.

A number of years ago the government researched what the minimum amount of various vitamins, minerals and nutrients you needed to ingest in order to not come down with a terrible disease, and this amount became the RDA for each of those nutrients.

For example, the RDA of vitamin C is the minimum amount of vitamin C that you need daily to not come down with Scurvy.

Now, if you notice, this isn't the amount that you need to be healthy, and it really isn't the amount that you need to kick ass, take names and be awesome. It's simply the minimum amount you need to not die!

Let that sink in a little bit for a second!

The RDA has nothing to do with how much you need to be healthy. And it certainly has nothing to do with making you into a ass kicking physical specimen.

So what, you may be saying!

But remember, you won't be able to change your body, drop body fat, gain muscle, be strong, be fit or do amazing things unless you are truly covering all of you nutritional bases.

In order to cover all of your bases you better not only be eating like a mother fucker, you better be supplementing too. If you take a multi vitamin, take "animal Pak" because it kicks ass. Otherwise, if you're taking a 1-a-day, make sure to triple the amount.

For your protein needs, 1/2 gram per pound of body weight isn't going to cut it. Push that shit up to 2 grams per pound of bodyweight and always err on the side of having too much.

For fats, aim for 3/4 to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.

Crank up the veggies, especially shit like broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower.

Add in a great protein supplement like Myozene or Carnivore.

Load up on it all. Eat like a king, train like a gladiator and look like a god.

The RDA can suck it as can any one that will question why you're eating so much, why you're taking so many vitamins, etc. They'll be jealous when you're never sick, you're strong as an ox, fit as can be and ripped to the bone.

Remember, look around at everyone you come into contact with on a daily basis. How fit are they? How healthy are they? How strong are they? How's their body? I'll bet you don't want their fitness,    their health, their strength or their body, do you? So, don't eat like them.

Now, go create your greatness!!

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