Monday, June 30, 2014

First morning practice after a back off week wrap up

Back to work after a nice back off week. Here's the wrap up of the first morning practice session which included false grip pull-ups, 1-arm cartwheels, handstand holds, Y-scales, butterfly jumps, front punch tuck (front flip) preps, back flip preps, aerial cartwheel preps, muscle ups, and more. A fun way to mix floor work and rings work for the day. Felt really awesome and strong, great to be back after a week off.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Freestanding Handstand Push-up on Parallets

I was nailing 4's for the first 4 sets, so I decided to go for 5 on the last set of the freestanding handstand push-ups on my parallets. Made 5 reps, but they were much higher than I'd like. I'll work on that on Friday.

Attempt at a 535 pound Zercer Squat

If you're going to post your success you also have to post a failure. I had just nailed a 525 pound Zercher squat, but just couldn't make it with 535 pounds.

Handstand to Straddle Planche on the Parallets

My handstands were feeling really rocking and so were my handstands to tucked planche, so I decided to up the ante and go for the straddle planche. Not bad for the first few sets ever of working this movement.

Monday, June 9, 2014

1-legged burpees

Here's a fun one for building muscle, burning fat, getting the heart and lungs going, building speed and explosiveness, getting your legs and butt in shape, and more. Use it in repetitions, in timed sets, as part of a circuit. It's an awesome one. The 1-legged burpee.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Working the Straddle L-sit Hold

Final set of straddle L-sit holds from last night's training. Working on keeping strong through the legs, feet and toes, making sure the legs aren't touching the arms, and getting the legs higher and higher. Feeling pretty good.

Some handstand push ups on the push up bars wih a 20 pound weight vest

Here's the last set of a super set (which in included handstand push ups and 1-arm pull-ups) from last night's training. Did them against the wall while balancing on the push up bars. Wore a 20 pound weight vest. They felt really good and strong, but I should have gone a little deeper.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How to make your ankles feel like a million dollars

Here's a good mixture of joint mobility, dynamic stretches and strength work to help make your ankles feel like a million dollars. Great for a warm up or a cool down. I hope you like these.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Fliippy and fun combo on the rings: A different view:

Here's another view of the final set of this fun little combo on the gymnastics rings. Training and practicing like this is a blast.

A fun flippy combo on the gymnastics rings

During my morning practice today I decided to work on a fun little combination movements on the gymnastics rings. My first time attempting something like this, here's the second to the last set of the combo. It consists of hang to inverted hand, pike down to German hang, pull up to top pull up position with an L/V-sit, lower to an L/V-sit hang. Very fun to practice.