Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One of the Greatest Movements you can do!

Alright, I know. I say the word snatch and I'm going to have half of you giggling like 6th graders. However, having a good snatch is one of the most important things you can do for your health and fitness. Okay, I'll admit it, now I'm giggling a little too. It's kind of like when you're talking about the importance in kettlebell training of having a good rack. You can't help but giggle. Now, back to being serious.

The snatch is truly one of the royalty of exercises. Let's think about it for a second: it works basically every single muscle group from head to toe. It really hits the ultra-important posterior chain. It develops incredible speed, explosivensess, power, strength, coordination, balance, agility and more. It's the largest possible range of motion that you can use while still holding onto your exercise apperatus simply because you pull the apparatus from the floor to lock out over your head in one movement. It helps to promote a better functioning brain due to the numerous split-second movements that need to happen. It builds muscle, bone and connective tissue and makes them stronger and more resilient. It burns body fat. It helps to kick your hormones into healthy high gear. And, it kicks your heart and lungs pretty hard too. Oh yes, the snatch is right up there with the deadlift, the squat, and the clean and press/ clean and jerk as being one of the king of exercises. In fact, I'd hit the snatch a million times over for core development over most any other type of "core" training (yes there was a pun intended there, I'll admit it. But, it's still a true statement.)

And you'll never get bored with the movement. The variety that's involved with the snatch is unreal. With just the barbell version you have a power snatch from the hang and from the ground; a split snatch from the hang and from the ground; and a squat snatch from the hang and from the ground. Add to that both a snatch grip high-pull from the hang and from the ground and you've got a shit-ton of variety right there.

Then you can look at including 1-arm and 2-arm dumbell snatches, 1-arm and 2-arm kettlebell snatches, sandbag snatches and Bulgarian bag snatches and more. Hell, you could pick up a heavy log or stone and use them as well. You also have rotational versions, single leg versions adn more. The variety can be pretty much endless.

Maybe one day you grab the ol' barbell and work on 5-10 sets of singles, doubles or triples to really work the hell out of your entire musculatur. Then a few days later you finish up your workout with a good 10-minute kettlebell sport set. Then a few days after that you hit a strong 15:15 Bulgarian bag sprint session to really get the ocnditioning up.

Overall, the snatch is one of those must have movements in your arsenal. It's just that phenomenal of a movement. Now, go train hard and smart and check out the new blog at www.brettsmartialarts.blogspot.com. I'll talk with you more later.

Yours in strength and health,
Brett Stepan

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New blog posts coming soon and a new blog as well

Wow! I can't believe that we're closing in on the end of September and I haven't posted once this month. I better get back to work.

Starting in the next few days I'll be back posting on a regular basis, and I'll also be adding a new blog at www.brettsmartialarts.blogspot.com. It'll be related to all things martial arts.

I'll leave you with a quick golden nugget as I leave: "You can't outtrain poor eating."

Talk with you all soon.

Yours in strenght and health,
Brett Stepan