Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Life is.....

Life is a lot like the martial arts.
Sometimes you tap them.
Sometimes they tap you.
But it doesn't matter
who "wins" or who "loses."
What matters is what you learn
from the experience,
And how you can apply that to your life
in order to become better.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Ambushed and Photo Bombed
By both Monty and Pinky today.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!
I hope everyone has an amazing
2017 filled with love, happiness
and awesomeness!!
Some farting around with the camera
Over the New Years Break!




Thursday, December 15, 2016

What pushes someone........

What pushes someone to continually train harder, smarter and more intensely; to be disciplined in their eating and sleeping; to supplement correctly; and to make the so called "Sacrifices" to realize their goals and make their dreams a reality. The knowledge that no matter what the so called "Price" is, that you are more than worth it!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Intra-rep Pauses

Over my years of studying I've read a lot about the great results that the old school strength and physique legends got from Intra-rep Pauses. And I know that both Mike and Ray Mentzer used them in their training a lot, with great results. So, I decided it was time to try them.

On this training cycle I've added them into three of my six training days a week. Using them on my Pull-ups, Barbell Curls, Triceps Pressdowns, Incline Presses, Behind the Neck Pulldowns and Overhead Presses on the 2nd day of training for each of them. And I've been loving them.

Here's a nice way to incorporate them using the Pull-up. Take a nice slow and deliberate pull to the mid-point, then pause and hold for a 10 seconds static contraction, then take another 5 seconds to finish pulling to the top. From there, lower slowly and deliberately for 5 seconds to the midpoint, then hold for another 10 seconds static contraction, then finish by taking 5 seconds to lower to the bottom.

It's a great way to stimulate the     muscles in a very different manner. And a great tool to add to the arsenal.

Here's a pic, and the link to the video is:  https://youtu.be/zzmWZyU2dVI

Friday, December 2, 2016

Happy Flex Friday

Happy Flex Friday Y'All!!
Have an amazing day and an
Incredible weekend!!


Thursday, December 1, 2016

No matter what the comercials for different gadgets say.......

No matter what the different commercials for the different "Exercise Gizmos" tell you, there's one truth that cannot be denied.

Abs may be created in the gym, but they are Revealed in the Kitchen.