Monday, December 5, 2016

Intra-rep Pauses

Over my years of studying I've read a lot about the great results that the old school strength and physique legends got from Intra-rep Pauses. And I know that both Mike and Ray Mentzer used them in their training a lot, with great results. So, I decided it was time to try them.

On this training cycle I've added them into three of my six training days a week. Using them on my Pull-ups, Barbell Curls, Triceps Pressdowns, Incline Presses, Behind the Neck Pulldowns and Overhead Presses on the 2nd day of training for each of them. And I've been loving them.

Here's a nice way to incorporate them using the Pull-up. Take a nice slow and deliberate pull to the mid-point, then pause and hold for a 10 seconds static contraction, then take another 5 seconds to finish pulling to the top. From there, lower slowly and deliberately for 5 seconds to the midpoint, then hold for another 10 seconds static contraction, then finish by taking 5 seconds to lower to the bottom.

It's a great way to stimulate the     muscles in a very different manner. And a great tool to add to the arsenal.

Here's a pic, and the link to the video is:

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