Friday, February 27, 2015

Making some deadlift technique changes

Felt like changing it up a little, so I used Marc Challait's technique for each set. It went really well, nailed all 6 sets pretty easily and felt strong the whole time. I may have to work this style more. Here's the final set using 455 pounds.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

For strong, healthy shoulders

Finished up with some rear delt raises for strong healthy shoulders, using the 88 pound k-bell. Here's the 6th set

The other part of the arm super set

The second part of the super set: hammer curls with the 70 pound K-bell. Here's the 6th set.

Even though you're a strength person you should still train your arms

Hitting a nice super set of barbell overhead extensions and hammer curls. Here's the 6th of 6 sets of overhead extensions.

A great one for conditioning

Started out this morning with some Dynamic Tension based chest work and push ups, then hit this nice little ditty in the evening. Worked on 5 sets of this one. Using 4 rung ladders of both barbell clean and presses and burpees. A great one for conditioning, endurance, cardio, strength, power, etc. Here's the 4th of 5 sets.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mass Building is coming along pretty nicely

Want a huge back?

If you want a huge, wide and thick back make sure to hit plenty of heavy bent rows. Don't worry about 100% correct form, just use enough to train the right movement without getting hurt and pull as heavy and as hard as you can. Here's my 6th set from the other night with 355 pounds:

Want to sky rocket your squat progress?

What's one of the best things that you can do to sky rocket your squat. Get strong as hell in the bottom position with bottom position squats. Here's set 6 with 355 pounds. This lead me to being able to hit sets of 5 with 500 pounds from the top position.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A training day in the life part 2: Monday C: Squats

After nailing the reverse grip rows it was on to squats. Hit 6 sets with 500 pounds. Here's the final set. First rep is a little high, but they kept on getting better after that.

A training day in the life part 2: Monday B: Reverse Grip Bent Rows

Followed up the reverse grip dips with 6 sets of reverse grip bent rows with 335 pounds. Here's the final set.

A training day in the life part 2: Monday A: Reverse Grip Dips

Started out the day with isometric neck work and handstand practice. Then went onto nail 6 sets of weighted reverse grip dips with bodyweight plus 108 pounds. Here's the final set.

Monday, February 16, 2015

200 pound weighted push ups

Saturday's training was 6 sets of weighted push ups alternated with 6 sets of weighted pull ups with minimal rest between movements. Then finished off with 6 sets of Jump Squats. Here's the final set of push ups with bodyweight plus 200 pounds.

Overhead extensions on the Jungle Gym

Friday's training consisted of alternating between 5 sets of barbell concentration curls and 5 sets of overhead extensions on the Jungle Gym followed by 4 sets of weighted 1-leg calf raises alternated with 3 sets of weighted abdominal roll outs. All done with as little rest as possible between them. Here's the final set of overhead extensions.

training day in the life 1: Thursday C: Clean grip high pulls

After the neck work, the handstand work, the 6 sets of BTN strict presses and the 6 sets of snatch grip high pulls it was time for 6 sets of Clean grip high pulls. Here's the final set.

a day in the training life part 1: Thrusday B: Snatch grip high pulls

After the neck work, handstand work and BTN strict presses it was on to 6 sets of snatch grip high pulls. Here's the final set.

Training day in the life part 1: Thursday A: BTN strict presses

After doing 5 sets of neck work in each direction and a bunch of handstand work I moved onto Behind the neck Strict Presses. Here's the 6th set of the night.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

Nailing 405 pound Jump Squats

From Saturday night's training: nailing 405 pounds for jump squats. Here's the 6th set.

Friday, February 6, 2015

New Zercher Squat PR!

Hitting an easy PR in the Zercher Squat. After nailing a bunch of neck work, handstand work, and 6 sets of military press here's the 6th and final set of Zercher squats with 550 pounds. Felt strong and easy!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

You gotta love.....

You gotta love (I know it's have to, so bite me) a good round of handstand and hand balancing practice in the morning. Makes you feel alive and awesome!

Closing in on 400 pound jump squats

Nailing the jump squats hard. Here's the 6th set of 3 with 385 pounds.