Monday, October 14, 2013

Fit and healthy meals, my ass!

Having started up training people professionally some 19 years ago I've been around my share of fit and healthy people. I've trained numerous people that would fit into this category, been coached by many that also would, and been friends with many that also would. And I can honestly say, ain't none of them ever going to be eating a meal that you're typical restaurant would put on their "fit and healthy" menu.

And yes, I did purposely use bad grammar in that last sentence.

Let's look at they typical "fit and healthy" meal that you'd find at a typical restaurant: You'll find something like a 4 ounce chicken breast or 4 ounce lean cut of fish. This will sit on top of a rice pilaf. On the side you'll have a small amount of either fruit or veggies (usually broccoli). And you'll usually have some other source of grain or starch. The selling point that the menu tells you is: Low fat and 550 calories of less.

And this spit is supposed to be healthy.

Let's break it down for a second. Our hear alone needs 50 grams of protein a day in order to produce enough nitrous oxide to fuel it.  Small amounts of protein don't cut it if you want to actually be fit and healthy. You need large amounts on a daily basis. Also, dietary fats are very important to both fitness and health. You need them to optimize your hormones, optimize your immune system and your lymphatic system, slow your aging, absorb and utilize most vitamins, for brain fuel and much more.

Second, rice sucks! Grains and starches, for the most part suck! They spike insulin, force you to gain body fat, create auto-immune problems, create leaky gut disease, and have been linked to strokes, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more.

While veggies and fruits are important, let's actually give people a real serving of them.

550 calories or less, huh. Every single truly fit person and healthy person that I know takes in between 3000 and 6000 calories a day. Why, because they're fit and healthy. They have muscle tissue, very little body fat, they're hormones are kicking booty, their metabolism is jacked through the sky and they train hard as hell! 550 calories isn't even a snack.

Now, I realize that these menu items aren't being put on there for the truly fit and healthy. I  realize that they're put on the menu for the obese, the out of shape and the unhealthy to make them believe that they're making a "better choice." But come on, at least make it a real fit and healthy choice.

What would I put on these menus as a fit and healthy choice.

I'd start with a 16 ounce steak. Loaded with protein, good fats, and tons of vitamins and minerals this would be a great start. It would also lead to a feeling of satiety for the eater, rather than a feeling of deprivation and starvation.

Then I'd add a mess of spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and red and yellow peppers. Why, because all of these are nutritional bad asses. Great forms of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phyto-nutrients.

Then I'd add in a glass of water and a cup of hot green tea.

For dessert I'd throw in a tasty protein shake from either Labrada nutrition or Carnivore.

This meal would load you up with tons of good protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and phyto-nutrients. It would be tasty as hell. It would leave you feeling good and satisfied. And it would help to fuel both your training and your recovery.

Now, there's a truly fit and healthy meal.

Now, go train hard, heavy and smart.


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