Friday, December 6, 2013

Do You Need Steroids, Supplements, Fancy Equipment, etc. to Build An Incredible Body?

One of the questions that I get a lot is if someone needs to be on steroids, use a ton of supplements, have a bunch or equipment, have the latest "state of the art" training program or what ever, to build an incredible body. And the answer is a resounding NO!

Throughout history men and women have built incredible bodies with the crudest of equipment, no supplements, no steroids, and while using basic routines and plenty of hard work.

Don't believe me?

Here are some me of physical culture past that grew up and trained long before steroids, supplements, machines, etc.

The Immortal John Grimek:

George "The Russian Lion" Hackenshmidt:

Eugene Sandow:

Sig Klien:

Steve Reeves:

John Garan:


Alfred Moss:

The Great (and one legged) Alan Mead:

The Great Maxick:

Arthur Saxon:
Edward Aston:

And many more.....

These were all men from the pre-steroid, pre-supplement days who were hellasiously strong, incredible conditioned and very healthy athletes.

They built their bodies off of a steady diet of bodyweight training, heavy barbells, heavy dumbbells, heavy kettlebells and heavy clubs.

Now it's your turn. Go train smart, hard and heavy and create your greatness.

Yours in strength and health,
Brett Stepan

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