Thursday, July 24, 2014

A quick thought and a quick question

As I was outdoors practice this morning I was thinking. Growing up, my family owned racehorses that raced around the country. Now, it seems that every owner and trainer in horse racing is looking for that one in a million horse. That Secretariat for this generation, if you will. Now, if some owner and trainer actually got that diamond in the rough, how would they treat it?

Would they feed it the best feed and hay that they could? Of course they would. They'd make sure that the horse didn't fill it self up with crap!

Would they make sure that they brought it to the track and exercised it everyday, so it would continue to grow stronger, faster and healthier? Again, without a doubt they would.

Then I started thinking about all of the people that I know that love their cars. Regardless of the quality of the car, they baby the crap out of it. They rub it with their shammy so it doesn't get dusty. They wash it regularly, get it tuned up, put in the best fuel, change the oil and do everything that they can to take care of it.

And, I've also seen tons of people do the same type of things for their phones, their televisions, and their computers.

Now, if these people treat their horse, dogs, cats, cars, computers, televisions, phones and what not with such amazing respect and love; why then don't they do the same thing with their bodies?

You only get one body on this go around we call life, why wouldn't you treat it with the same respect an love that you'd treat the other, much more trivial things in your life?

A few weeks ago one of my friends on facebook had a great post that went something like this:

I Don't Exercise And Eat Right Because I Hate My Body!

I Exercise And Eat Right Because I Love And Respect My Body!

All that I can say is how true that is!

If you truly love and respect yourself, why don't you start treating yourself as good, or even better than you do your car, television, phone, etc.?

I think that's a great question.

Don't you?

Now, go train hard, heavy and smart and create your greatness.

Yours in strength and health,

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