Tuesday, December 8, 2015

More reasons why Abstinence is Stupid

You have to love it when the medical community continues to prove what you've been saying for over a decade.

Guess what everyone?

Sex, Either With Or Without A Partner, Is One Of The Healthiest Things You Can Do For Yourself Physically, Mentally and Emotionally!!!!!!

Over the years I've cited countless studies that have talked about the importance of having sex on a very regular and frequent basis.

I've talked about countless studies that have shown that getting off is one of the best things that you can do for your hormones. It does great strides in optimizing your Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogen levels. It helps with you Growth Hormone levels. It helps with you Immune and Lymphatic System. It Raises Serotonin and Dopamine Levels. And it help you to be healthier, live longer and have a much better quality of life.

I've also talked about countless studies that have also shown the importance of frequent and regular sexual activity for one's self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, well being, and overall how it just makes you much happier and feel better.

And I've even talked about countless studies that have shown links between regular and frequent sexual activity and it's ability to boost cognitive, mental and academic function.

Not to mention the relief it provides for anxiety, panic and stress.

That's right:

Sexual Activity On A Frequent And Regular Basis Is The Shit!!!

It's that good for you.

But, my fellow humans, there's even more!!

It seems that more and more studies have shown that the more frequent a male ejaculates, the lower their chances of developing Prostate Cancer are. And, males that ejaculate at least 20 times a month or more, cut their chances of developing Prostate Cancer to almost nil!!

That's Right My Fellow Dudes!! Ejaculate At Least 20 Times A Month, Or More, And You Have Very Little Chance Of Developing Prostate Cancer!! Awesome!!

A lot of this has to do with the fact that by frequently ejaculating, you are actually letting your Prostate do what it's supposed to do, thereby keeping it healthy and fit. And, it has to do with the Testosterone benefits associated with frequent ejaculations!

That's right, Higher Testosterone Leads To Less Prostate Cancer Risk!!

I know that the new media will tell you that high testosterone rates put you at greater risk for developing Prostate Cancer, but let's look at this quickly.

Take a look at anyone you've ever known that has had Prostate Cancer.

Notice something about them.

Just about everyone of them happens to be fat, obese, out of shape old men. In other words, they are the dudes with the least amount of Testosterone on the planet.

It's actually low Testosterone that is the high risk factor for developing Prostate Cancer, not high Testosterone.

So, go out there and get off!! Hit the sheets either with a partner or partners, by yourself, or both and get off 2, 3, 4 or more times a day.

The health benefits are more than worth it!

And, it's awesome!

Yours in strength and health,


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