Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Only Limits That We Have Are The One's We Place On Ourselves!

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."--Philipians 4:13
I started today's post with one of my all time favorite Bible verses simply because it's so true. We are all capable of anything, and the only real limits that we have are the one's that we place on ourselves.

One of my favorite people in the world of Martial Arts and Fitness is Dr. Scott Sonnon. Scott was born with numerous disabilities including severe dislexia and an abnormality with his nerves that caused him severe pain. Add on to this, being born in poverty with addiction and abuse being a way of life, and numerous counselors telling him that he should never try to make anything of himself in either the phyiscal or mental realms and you have a pretty sad story. However, Coach Sonnon overcame those limits. He became a member of Mensa and has won World Championships in a variety of combat sports including San Shou Kung fu, Sambo, Sport Jujitsu, and more. Not only has he become a huge success on both the physical and mental fronts, but he's also a huge success as a human. His business is huge, he's financially successful, he has a wonderful family, he has amazing friends and students, and he's truly strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Apparently those people that told him to "be realistic," and to limit himself were wrong.

The same can be said in my own life. After suffereing from a degenerative bone disease in my hips, growing up in a family where addiction was part of life, and breaking my back I was told that I couldn't do many things. Yet, I've gone on to be a successful dancer, martial artist, kettelbeller, powerlifter, olympic lifter, acrobat, and coach. I remember many people telling me over the years, "Brett, be realistic, only a handful of people can become champion dancers/ successful teachers/ successful coaches/ authors/ or what ever else they didn't think that I could do." Yet every time I've gone on to prove them wrong.

So, what is it that's holding you back, that's stopping you from becoming what you want to become or doing the things that you want to do.

Even though people will tell you that there's a one in a million shot at becoming the next Michael Jordan, Georges St. Pierre, Eddie Van Halen, Bill Gates or whatever, people told them the same thing! Yet, each of them was able to take the steps and make the sacrifices and become who they are.

The only thing that's in your way is yourself; but, once you learn how to step out of your own way you'll see that there truly are no limits to what you can do.

Going back to Philipians 4:13:  I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Yours in strength and health,
Brett Stepan

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