Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Day In The Training Life, Extended Edition Part 1

Hey Everyone,

Once again I'm here to answer one of my most often asked questions: "Brett, what do you do for your training?"

So, here are my last two 4-week training cycles:

End of November-December Cycle:

Morning: Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout The Day:  4-5 sets of 1-arm/1-leg push-ups for 8-10 reps/ side and Misc. Grip Work

Evening: Isometric Deadlift Day
1a.) Isometric bottom position deadlift pull for 30 seconds
1b.) 5 minutes of continuous multi-directional push-ups hitting 160-180 push-ups (using Hindu, reverse Hindu, Side ellipse in each direction and forward and backward diagonals in each direction)

2a.) Isometric middle position deadlift pull for 30 seconds
2b.) 5 minutes of continuous 1-arm Bent Rows hitting 180-200 reps with 70 lbs. K-bell (switching hands every 10 reps

3a.) Isometric top position deadlift pull for 30 seconds
3c.) 5 minutes continuous Hindu Squats hitting 200 reps

Morning: Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout the Day: 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps/side of 1-arm/1-leg push-ups and Misc. Grip Work

Evening: Isometric Overhead Press day
1a.) Isometric bottom position overhead press push for 30 seconds
1b.) 5 rounds of 30:30 battling Ropes sprints (sprint for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for 5 rounds)

2a.) Isometric middle position overhead press push for 30 seconds
2b.) 5 rounds of 30:30 Medicine ball Slam sprints

3a.) Isometric top position overhead press push for 30 seconds
3b.) 5 rounds of 30:30 1-arm K-bell swing sprints with 88 lbs. K-bell (15 second sprints per arm)

4.) 2 rounds of 30:30 Isometric abdominal leg lifts

5.) 2 rounds of 30:30 Isometric abdominal torso lifts


Morning: Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout the day: 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps per side of 1-arm/1-leg push-ups

Evening: Fingers, Hands, Grip, Wrist, Forearm and Elbow day
1.) 5 sets of 5 reps per side of Forward Club Levering
2.) 5 sets of 5 reps per side of Backward Club Levering
3.) 5 sets of 5 reps per side of Circular Club Levering
4.) Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls  5 sets of 5 with 75 pounds
5.) 1-arm Barbell Wrist Curls 5 sets of 5 per side with 90 pounds

Morning: Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout the Day: 4-5 sets of 8-10 per side of 1-arm/1-leg push-ups and Misc. Grip wok

Evening: Isometric Pistol Day
1a.) Isometric bottom position Pistol push for 30 seconds each leg
1b.) 5 minutes of continuous push-ups hitting 160-180 push-ups  (using feet elevated, classic and torso elevated push-ups)

2a.) Isometric middle position Pistol push for 30 seconds each leg
2b.) 5 minutes of 1-arm K-bell snatches hitting 80 reps with 53 pound K-bell (switching arms every 10 reps)

3a.) Isometric top position Pistol push for 30 seconds each leg
3b.)5 minutes of continuous body squats hitting 200 reps (switching from basic stance to wide stance to feet together stance, to kangaroo stance)

Morning: Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout The Day: 4-5 sets of 8-10 per side of 1-arm/1-leg push-ups and Misc. Grip work

Evening: Isometric Bent Row Day
1a.) Isometric bottom position bent row pull for 30 seconds
1b.) 5 minutes of continuous get-ups hitting 22 with 53 pound K-bell

2a.) Isometric middle position bent row pull for 30 seconds
2b.) 5 rounds of 30:30 1 arm overhead push-press sprints with 88 lbs. K-bell (switching hands every 15 seconds)

3a.) Isometric top position bent row pull for 30 seconds
3b.) 5 rounds of 30:30 double K-bell Sumo Deadlift sprints with 176 pounds (two 88 lbs. K-bells)

4.) 2 rounds of 30:30 Isometric abdominal leg lifts

5.) 2 rounds of 30:30 Isometric abdominal torso lifts

Morning: Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout the day: Misc. Grip work

Evening: Club play and more
1.) 20 minutes of continuous clubbell play running through the following as many times as possible:
     a.) 1-arm and 2-arm parries in each direction 40 reps
     b.) 1-arm Mills   50 reps
     c.) 2-arm Swipes   20 reps
     d.) 2-arm Crusifix  20 reps
     e.) 1-arm Bullwhips  20 reps
     f.) 1-arm Gama's Defense  10 reps
     g.) 2-arm Warrior Be Strongs   5 reps

2.) Bent Press  4 sets of 5 reps per side with 70 lbs. k-bell
3.) 1-arm Lateral Raises 3 sets of 5 reps per side with 70 lbs. K-bell
4.) 1-arm Rear Delt Raises 3 sets of 5 reps per side with 70 lbs. K-bell
5.) Barbell Curls  3 sets of 5 reps with 150 lbs.

Morning:  Joint Mobility Drills and 12 minutes of Eischen's Yoga

Throughout The Day: Misc. Grip work

Evening: Rest

In the next post we'll look at the January cycle

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