Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Some weird thinking part 2: The new "Natty" Excuses

My Acid-trippy Herman Groener Impression, lol!

Alright, I'm proud to admit that I'm a natural athlete. By that I mean that I've never taken any type of anabolic steroid. That being said, I really couldn't care less if others use them. I figure that we're all big boys and girls and we can make the choice for ourselves on what we want to do. For me, however, they never have been appealing.

I do have to say though, that I really am getting sick of the attitude of an ever growing number of other natural athletes. And no, I'm not going to call you "Natty." It's a terrible and god awful name. if you had any self-respect at all you'd stop using the term yourselves.

Alright, now that I've probably pissed some people off, it's time to get down to the brass tacks.

I was going through my teenage years during the 1990's. A time when the "Freak" bodybuilding physique was just coming into vogue. At the time, bodybuilders were starting to get more and more massive, they were starting to really build up names for themselves based upon their freaky parts.

Some of these guys were so impressive they looked like they belonged in Marvel and DC comic books.

Paul Dillet and Lee Priest come immediately to mind.

Paul Dillet looking more like the Hulk than the CGI crap we see in movies

Lee Priest, a much better Superman than any of the actors that have been playing him recently

It was a time of huge, bigger than life bodybuilding; Huge and powerful Powerlifters; Huge Pro-wrestlers; Huge and Ripped Action Stars and everything else that inspired a young boy to grow up to be a muscular, strong, fit man.

Now, none of us were under any false pretensions. We knew that a bunch of our heroes were on the juice. Hell, a number of them would proudly tell you exactly what they were taking, how much of it, and what their cycles were.

But you know what?  We didn't care. We still knew that we could learn from them, even though we may not have had any interesting in juicing up. We knew that they had great information on training, eating and supplementing.

The Late Great Mike Matarazzo looking Huge!

Also, we trained our asses off to emulate them. And, we didn't wither and die. We thrived!!

Even without the steroids, we trained our asses off, ate our faces off, took our supplements and got great results.

It was awesome.

And now, in 2015, and at 39 years of age; I still train my ass off (actually training much harder and much more frequently than back in those days), eat my face off and take my supplements.

And, while a number of my peers are devolving into fat, out of shape, unhealthy and lethargic people that seem to get older every time you see them: I continue to improve. Getting stronger, more fit, more chiseled, healthier and younger.

Now comes my problem.

It seems like a growing number of young natural lifters try to use being natural as some sort of excuse to why they are not getting results. And they tend to put huge limits on what they can accomplish.

They'll all say the same crap too. Shit like, "I'd look like so and so too if I used the drugs they did." Or, "It's impossible for a natural lifter to get size like that." Or, "Being natural, there's no way I can get that ripped." Or, "I'm getting good results for being a natural. You can't expect me to get as far as the 'roid users do." And a bunch of other crap like that.

Obviously these guys have never heard of people like Maxic, Sandow, Aston, Moss, Grimex, Steve Reeves, Otto Arco, Sig Klien and the like.

John Grimek showing that you can get incredible results with no juice!

Guys from the time well before steroids and supplements who busted their asses day in and day out, ate a ton of meat and veggies, and grew out of this world bodies capable of super human acts of strength and fitness.

The real truth is this.  If you're not getting the results that you think you want you're probably not training hard enough. You're probably not training correctly. You're probably not sleeping enough. And, you're probably not doing anything right in and out of the gym.

Instead of making lame ass excuses, get your butt under the squat bar and squat more, deadlift more, overhead press more. Get your bent rows up into the 300-500 pound range, stop fiddling around with bullshit training and eating and get real about it all.

I can guarantee you that you'll get better results. How? Because thousands of natural athletes before you have.

Now, get under the bar and squat hard.

Yours in strength and health,

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